Meltec Com. e Representações


Meltec   is   a  25-year-old   company   in  the   Brazilian  Market, specialized in representation and import of pharmaceutical API's, pharmaceutical   and  veterinary  excipients.
Aiming to achieve excellence  in service and  satisfaction of the customers,  Meltec  counts  with highly  qualified  professionals, excelent structure  and  solid  partnerships  in the  international market and  national  market.

Quality Policy

Meltec on rigorous work over the last years, which are complemented by its Phylosophy of Quality:
  • To  assure  that  the  customers  needs  are  fully  attended quickly
  • To guarantee that the concepts of quality are practiced and disseminated  in  it s entirety
  • To seek  improvements  in  our  Works process,  promoting good  storage  practice  and  pharmaceutical

Our professionals
Formed by dynamic experienced and highly-qualified professionals, with great knowledge  of the pharmaceutical and veterinary global market.
Our professionals work with responsibility,  dedication, promptness and agility. They are continuously engaged in efforts of continuous improvement.
Meltec  is  present  in  every 
Brazilian  region.  The head  office
and  affiliates  are  in São Paulo  State.
Meltec  commercializes  the products
either  by direct  import,  also
through  distribution  of  the
warehoused  products.

Our Structure

Our   products   attend    to    Anvisa    regulatory   requirements. Meltec  offers   high  quality    raw   materials,    produced  under  GMP.    The  products  are   imported  under  a  rigorous  supplier qualification  process,   based  in  international  standards. Besides   that,   the   products    are   received   and  warehoused under  humidity and  temperature control, attending  to  qualified quality  procedures.
Own  warehouse   and   partner   truck   companies   are  decisive  in  the  process  of  keeping  and delivering  the products,  always protected  by constant  supervision  of the  responsible technician
and  in  compliance  wiht the  Anvisa  regulatory  requirements. 
Meltec   is  a  company  that  has  as  work  philosophy,  to  make  sure  that   the  customers  needs  are  met  as  soon as possible;   this way,  seeks for  improvement  in the work process,  promote good   storing    and   distribution   practices   and   it  is  able   to attend   the  necessities  of   each  customer,  small,  average  or gret  transport  customers.
Rua 6, no. 1460 - Centro
Rio Claro/ SP CEP 13500-190
Phone.: +55 (19) 3526-2111
Mobile: +55 (19) 98163-0003